American Chamber of Commerce, Business Breakfast, Hilton Hotel, Brisbane, 8 August 2014 I had the great pleasure of moderating an engaging discussion on the challenges to achieving high performance and productivity in the Australian oil and gas sector. The discussion involved industry experts exploring the recently published research from Associate Professor John Steen and his […]

American Chamber of Commerce, Business Breakfast, Hilton Hotel, Brisbane, 8 August 2014

I had the great pleasure of moderating an engaging discussion on the challenges to achieving high performance and productivity in the Australian oil and gas sector.

The discussion involved industry experts exploring the recently published research from Associate Professor John Steen and his team at University of Queensland Business School in collaboration with EY.

What struck me most was the finding that relatively few companies have effective measures of productivity in their management systems. It reminds me of Tom Peters, Peter Drucker and others: “What gets measured gets done.”

UQ / EY Report on Oil & Gas Sector Productivity